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What if You Could Cook Authentic Spanish Recipes?

Edu's hiking trip in Chablis

As if you were in Spain, that's what it is like when you cook my authentic recipes. Your friends and neighbors are going to think you befriended Spaniards!

No less than Gordon Ramsay is a fan of this cuisine, for good reasons!

Whenever I'm in Spain, the adventurer in me awakens. Of course, the sunny climate has something to do with it.

It's a vast country with a vibrant culture, and there's lots to do! Hiking through towns and hills (Spain is the Switzerland of the south) is one of my favorite activities. That can make one very hungry.

If you have visited the country, you probably had those mouthwatering seafood dishes, tapas, pinchos, and more. People today crave whole foods, and rightly so.

It would be nice to have an experienced cook to help you, right? Well, I am that guy, and I'm pleased to help. Even with local, fresh ingredients, wonders are made. The rest is some know-how. That's where I come in.

I hope you'll become a fan too with my authentic recipes.

Let Me Help You Create
Tasty Spanish Dishes

You don’t need to spend hours in the kitchen. That alone can make anyone a fan of this cuisine. Most recipes are straightforward.

Have warm memories of a time under the Spanish sun? A dish may take you back to that great experience. The aroma’s alone might trigger a trip down memory lane.

Rest assured, understanding the basics will go a long way!

Some travelers I know wondered how they make that delicious fideuà. They were intimidated. But then realized how easy it was to make.

The village of Olvera, AndaluciaWhitewashed Olvera, Andalucia. Seen from the road to Cadiz. Is there anything sweeter?

Why Foods of Spain?

I'm glad to tell this rustic cuisine is more popular than ever for its benefits. These are:

  • Healthy
  • Mostly natural
  • Lots of vegetables and fruits
  • Many recipes are vegetarian and vegan-friendly
  • Most of the time easy to make

Chefs and health professionals generally agree it is one of the healthiest kitchens. Who wouldn't want that? Tasty food that is also healthy.

No fancy schmancy cooking techniques are required. I'll show how it is done — with fantastic results!

Fideuá de Gandia or shellfish noodles on a decorated plate.Fideuá de Gandia with seafood. A noodle fest.

My Passion for
Spanish Food

Chiringuitos at the golden, crystal-water beaches of Spain. The picturesque towns and my parents' and grandparents' kitchens.

As I grew up, I discovered one mouthwatering dish after another. These are all connected to my past, holding good memories.

I particularly loved my mother's lentejas con fideos (lentils with vermicelli) and her pollo al ajillo. Muy rico! 

Pollo al ajillo with fries on a rustic plateThe addictive and aromatic pollo al ajillo (garlic chicken) served with fries. One of my favorites.

Besides their healthy nature, these tasty recipes can make you want more. As a Spaniard, I would be pleased to be your insider into a kitchen known as one of the healthiest in the world.

In Spain, they pride themselves on keeping dishes as natural as possible. With a minimum of processing! You see that mindset in other things too. In environmental issues and in dealing with other people. Their live-and-let-live philosophy.

Favorite Spain Foods to
Share with Loved Ones

A lit Ibiza alley with people sitting on restaurant terraces in the evening.A lit Ibiza alley with restaurant terraces. As far as the eyes can see.

Get-togethers are frequent. You'll see family and friends on restaurant terraces enjoying a bite.  

Let me tell you, those terraces are packed in the evenings. It may surprise you how often this happens.

That's our national sport besides football (soccer) and cycling. Family life and being together are a thing.

Recipe differences depend on the province you're in. Patatas aliña (a potato salad) in Cadiz is not the same as the one in Seville.

With so much influence from many cultures in history, there's so much choice. But every Spaniard knows the...

  • Tortilla Española (potato, eggs and onion tortilla)
  • Albondigas (meatballs in sauce)
  • Fabada (a white bean stew with meats)
  • Zarzuela (a fish and shellfish soup)
  • Fideuá (vermicelli with shellfish)

... and the list goes on. These recipes have been around for decades or even ages.

Spain is Vegetarian Friendly

Spain has a lot to offer vegetarians. Yes, there are lots of embutidos (a type of cold cut) and other meat products. But like I said, variety is a trade mark of Spanish gastronomy. 

Thinking about everything I had since I started walking, many dishes were vegetarian. That’s how common it is.

Assuming you are okay with eggs and/or fish, a short sample of dishes are:

  • Patatas aliña de Cadiz (potato salad – also vegan) 
  • Pisto (fried vegetables - also vegan)
  • Marmitako (tuna and potato stew)
  • Revuelto de patatas (scrambled potatoes)
  • Tortilla campera (vegetables with eggs tortilla)
  • Ensaladilla Rusa (a rich potato salad)

...including many types of aromatic pinchos and tapas. 

Marmitako tuna and potato stew with some bread.Delicious marmitako: tuna and potato stew.

Moving beyond highly processed foods to live healthy seems to be the trend lately.

Not everyone knows where or how to start, but we can start with Spain's broad cuisine. In my opinion, the perfect start.

You'll probably come across one or more recipes that will become your favorites. If that makes you buy a ticket to Spain, you wouldn't be the first one.  

Some dishes invite for repetition. That's how good they are. Browse through the menu above. I'm sure there's a recipe to whet your appetite.

Finally, Spain in a Pan is me putting my grain of sand to help the world eat better. As they say in Spain: "El buen alimento, cría entendimiento".

That's another way of saying, "A sound mind in a sound body". So, let's cook good food!

Hasta luego!